About Us
A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.
About Us
Welcome to Virtual Ice Skating Coach! We will teach you basic skating skills, promote all skating entertainment, and recommend the best gear to buy so you can get started on the right foot! We found a need within the community for accessible and affordable skating resources. Whether you are on wheels or blades, our goal is to provide an inclusive, affordable, and entertaining variety of skating resources to direct skaters of all disciplines, ages, and levels. Not only does skating provide physical and mental exercise, but it also provides a coping skill that will continue to benefit you throughout your life. Disclaimer: Before starting any exercise program always consult with a physician regarding limitations. Beginning skaters should always wear a helmet and gloves. If skating on a pond/lake be sure it’s frozen and safe for use. Skating involves risks no matter your level or surface. Skaters/parents assume all risks, children should be supervised at all times.